“Amsterdam,” from acclaimed filmmaker David O. Russell, is an original crime epic about three close friends who find themselves at the center of one of the most shocking secret plots in American history. Set in the 1930s, this fascinating and richly intricate tale brilliantly weaves historical fact with fiction for a timely, cinematic experience. The three unlikely friends at the center of the story are a doctor and a lawyer, both WWI veterans who were wounded in battle, and the nurse that cared for both at a hospital in Belgium. The trio formed a pact in Amsterdam and swore to always be there for one another. Years later, they reunite in New York, where they are falsely accused of a crime and unwittingly become part of a global conspiracy.

Christian Bale
Margot Robbie
John Washington
Alessandro Nivola
Andrea Riseborough
Anya Taylor-Joy
Chris Rock
Matthias Schoenaerts
David O. Russell