Fight Club

Sick of his dead end, white bread, corporate career and disgusted with the empty consumer culture of his generation, a confused young man serendipitously meets Tyler Durden. Together they create a new club where young men come to relieve their frustrations by beating each other to a pulp.
Two rules govern the club: no more than two men per fight and no one is to mention fight club to any outsiders. Reverse-psychology proves it's power, as the latter rule instantaneously spreads the news of fight club throughout the underworld sub-culture. Tyler Durden, the ringleader, quickly becomes a cult hero of epic proportions, a new messiah for a dead generation.
Meanwhile, Jack manages to get involved in a twisted love triangle with Tyler and a girl named Marla, who is also at odds with reality.
- Brad Pitt
- Tyler Durden
- Edward Norton
- Narrator
- Helena Bonham Carter
- Marla Singer
- Meat Loaf Aday
- Robert 'Bob' Paulsen
- Jared Leto
- Angel Face
- Director
- David Fincher
- Producer
- Ceán Chaffin
Ross Grayson Bell
Art Linson - Executive Producer
- Arnon Milchan
- Screenplay
- Jim Uhls
- Novel
- Chuck Palahniuk
- Music
- Tom Waits
The Dust Brothers